Community Events for Seniors

in Fort Wayne

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Events for Every Interest

We love catering to our resident’s interests with a wide range of events at Kingston Residence of Fort Wayne. Our community is lively, close-knit, and inclusive, offering a well-rounded lifestyle that can appeal to a wide range of personalities.

Whether you’re looking to build lasting friendships, participate in various local events, or enjoy the perks of living in a community that supports your growth, you’re likely to find something that you can’t get enough of.

From holistic wellness programs and fitness classes to live entertainment, local excursions, exciting cookouts, and educational seminars, you’ll always have something to look forward to!

Visit us for a tour to learn more about our events in person.

Enriching Events & Enriching Lives 

Residents get endless opportunities to make the most of all the enriching experiences within our community. Whether it’s cultivating new connections through our social gatherings or focusing on their health and well-being through group workshops and exercise classes, there’s lots to do at Kingston Residence of Fort Wayne.

What to Expect

Our residents have a diverse variety of interests. Our calendar of events is created with those unique preferences in mind, offering events and experiences that appeal to a wide range of hobbies and tastes. 

From performances by local artists to outings that help our residents explore Fort Wayne, we offer an array of events alongside our continuous support for our residents’ well-being. 

We’re lucky to have several local artists perform regularly within our community, helping our residents enjoy different music genres and cultural options. 

Whether you like timeless classic music or find that acoustic tunes are more for you, there are artists you can enjoy!

Our regular outings help our residents immerse themselves in the local culture of Fort Wayne by exploring popular restaurants, museums, parks, and more. 

There’s even a public golf course nearby for those who’d like to step out for a game. No matter your outing preferences, you’ll be spoiled for choice at Kingston Residence of Fort Wayne.

Residents at our community often enjoy heartwarming experiences, such as meetings with therapy dogs and catching up with friends over invigorating book club conversations.

They’re also free to join faith groups, visit local churches, and be a part of bible study groups if they’re interested.

Schedule Your Visit

We invite you to book a tour and visit our incredible community. If you have questions in the meantime, feel free to contact us. We look forward to helping you learn more about the events that make life at our community enriching. 

Our Diverse Lifestyles

Assisted Living

Our assisted living services can help seniors enjoy each day and live well with compassionate care and support.

Assisted Living

Memory Care

Nurture your loved one’s well-being with specialized and compassionate care for those living with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other cognitive challenges.

Memory Care

Short-Term Stays

Short-term respite care can help those who need temporary support or want a glimpse into life in our close-knit community.

Short-Term Stays

Our Reviews

“A true loving and caring team that provided incredible care for our family.”

Find Our Community

Contact Information

24 hour availability

Our Address

  • 7515 Winchester Road
  • Fort Wayne, IN 46819, United States

Conveniently Located

Nestled near natural green spaces, our community is a short stroll from the Waynedale Baptist Church and is close to popular eateries and a public golf course. You have countless opportunities for personal growth within our community and a great group to share your experiences with!

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