Our Community
in Fort Wayne

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A Holistic Approach to Senior Living

Kingston Residence of Fort Wayne is more than just a place to live—it’s a vibrant hub of activity, compassionate care, and lasting connections. 

You’ll love the way we care as you explore our wellness programs, diverse culinary offerings, and comprehensive healthcare services. From delicious chef-prepared meals to engaging social events and a strong sense of community, every day brings new opportunities for joy and companionship.

Join us in exploring our lively community and meet our lovely community members and dedicated staff. Schedule your tour with us. 

Proudly Associated with Kingston HealthCare

We take pride in being part of Kingston HealthCare Company and are united in our shared dedication to elevating our residents’ lives and our local community. 

At Kingston Residence of Fort Wayne, we work hard to collaborate with others and find more ways to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. Our community upholds all the values that make Kingston HealthCare known for compassion, respect, and warmth.

The Kingston Approach

Kingston Residence of Fort Wayne is proud to have professional and compassionate employees whose character and attitude promote our mission. We expect every member of our team to: 

  • Preserve the safety and well-being of all residents and employees. 
  • Show genuine care for all residents and employees. 
  • Do what is right, even when no one is watching. 
  • Be flexible, be dynamic, and adapt to change. 
  • Create a workplace free from rumors and gossip. 
  • Never initiate or participate in defamation of others.
  • Resolve differences and work to strengthen the team. 
  • Accept responsibility and never shift blame to others. 
  • Provide factual information in a diplomatic way. 
  • Identify priorities, ask the right questions, and remove barriers. 
  • Do things right the first time. 
  • Always strive for continuous improvement.
  • Recognize the contributions of others.
  • Exceed expectations. 
  • Have fun!

A Note from Our George Rumman, President & CEO of Kingston HealthCare

There’s nothing corporate about care.

The world of health care is changing. As financially motivated mergers and acquisitions continue to create instability and adverse effects on residents and staff—we remain fiercely independent and deeply rooted in our community. 

We’re a small company, but our team is empowered to make decisions in the best interest of our residents and local community. Most of our team members were born and raised in the area and have made it their life’s work to care for the region’s seniors at Kingston. I’m uniquely fortunate to greet and embrace many familiar faces who have been with us for 10 and 20 years every time I walk through our front door. 

Explore Our Community

We invite you to experience everything our community has to offer. Contact us today and book your tour to see all that awaits you or your loved one. 

Our Diverse Lifestyles

Assisted Living

Our assisted living services can help seniors enjoy each day and live well with compassionate care and support.

Assisted Living

Memory Care

Nurture your loved one’s well-being with specialized and compassionate care for those living with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other cognitive challenges.

Memory Care

Short-Term Stays

Short-term respite care can help those who need temporary support or want a glimpse into life in our close-knit community.

Short-Term Stays

Our Reviews

“A true loving and caring team that provided incredible care for our family.”

Find Our Community

Contact Information

24 hour availability

Our Address

  • 7515 Winchester Road
  • Fort Wayne, IN 46819, United States

Conveniently Located

Nestled near natural green spaces, our community is a short stroll from the Waynedale Baptist Church and is close to popular eateries and a public golf course. You have countless opportunities for personal growth within our community and a great group to share your experiences with!

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