Compassionate Care & Comfort Kingston Residence of Fort Wayne

The Support & Comfort You Need

At Kingston Residence of Fort Wayne, we support our residents with personalized care plans, 24/7 healthcare, and enriching experiences. Our caring team is here to provide our residents what they need to feel safe and embrace the joys life has to offer.

Life at our community is filled with enriching activities and local excursions, wellness initiatives, and culinary experiences. Our residents enjoy the perks of living in a vibrant community where there’s always something new to explore!

A Place to Call Home

Our Diverse Lifestyles

Assisted Living

Our assisted living services can help seniors enjoy each day and live well with compassionate care and support.

Assisted Living

Memory Care

Nurture your loved one’s well-being with specialized and compassionate care for those living with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other cognitive challenges.

Memory Care

Short-Term Stays

Short-term respite care can help those who need temporary support or want a glimpse into life in our close-knit community.

Short-Term Stays

A Feast for Your Body & Mind

At Kingston Residence of Fort Wayne, we take it upon ourselves to ensure our residents get support for their complete well-being. Through vibrant experiences like exercise groups and local outings, life at our community is filled with opportunities to focus on mental and physical self-care.

There’s also an extraordinary number of delightful cuisines to dig into. Our in-house chefs are known to win over hearts with their wholesome and delicious approach to food and dining.

Learn more about the diverse experiences we offer!

Our Reviews

“A true loving and caring team that provided incredible care for our family.”

Find Our Community

Contact Information

24 hour availability

Our Address

  • 7515 Winchester Road
  • Fort Wayne, IN 46819, United States

Conveniently Located

Nestled near natural green spaces, our community is a short stroll from the Waynedale Baptist Church and is close to popular eateries and a public golf course. You have countless opportunities for personal growth within our community and a great group to share your experiences with!

Get In Touch

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